
How To Uninstall Ahf In Oracle

Oracle Autonomous Wellness Framework (AHF) Cheatsheet

Do You Speak AHF?

Oracle Autonomous Health Framework (AHF) presents the next generation of an all-in-one solution that includes tools that piece of work together autonomously 24×7 to keep database systems healthy and running. It does then while minimizing human reaction fourth dimension using existing components like orachk, TFA and many more.

I started excavation about this tool ever since I attended Nib Burton's (lead dev for TFA  Collector characteristic at Oracle) presentation at RMOUG2020. Like well-nigh of you, I had been asked numerous times to collect diagnostics and myriads of logs (IPS, RDA..etc) from MOS when I opened SRs. Information technology just didn't get ameliorate with years, then when I heard about that new thing that can merge Health and Diagnostics in one tool, I wanted to give it a try. I hope you'll detect this AHF Cheat Sheet (blabla free) useful.


  • User-friendly & real-time health monitoring, fault detection & diagnosis via a unmarried interface

  • Secure consolidation of distributed diagnostic collections

  • Continuous availability

  • Automobile learning-driven, autonomous degradation detection, reduce your overheads (on both customer and oracle support Tiers)

  • TFA is still used for diagnostic collection and management and ORAchk/EXAchk for a compliance check.

  • ORAchk/EXAchk now use the TFA secure socket and TFA scheduler for automatic checks (less overhead).

Directly links :

 – AHF Config checks
 – Orachk
 – TFA

Installation Instructions

  1. Equally ROOT (recommended) : download the file,unzip and run the setup file
    Requirement: AHF Data directory : /5GB-10GB

$          unzip           -d AHF $ ./AHF/ahf_setup  common locations of ahf_loc is /opt/oracle/dcs/oracle.ahf or /u01/app/grid/oracle.ahf
  • Windows
    Download & unzip the Windows installer then run the following command (arrange the perlhome):

C:> installahf.bat -perlhome D:\oracle\product\12.ii.0\dbhome_1\perl
  • Syntax

$          ahf_setup          [-ahf_loc AHF Location]             [-data_dir AHF Repository]  -- Stores collections, metadata,etc (mandatory on                                             Silent install). Location is either under ahf_loc                                           (5G)or TFA repo if outside Grid_Home,or above Filigree                                             Base of operations, or dissimilar.            [-nodes node1,node2]        -- default all           [-extract[-notfasetup]]     -- ahf_setup -extract [exachk|orachk] install                                           ORAchk/EXAchk without installing the rest of AHF.                                            -notfasetup option just extract TFA no install           [-local]           [-silent]           [-tmp_loc directory]       -- Default: /tmp           [-debug [-level one-6]]   -- one= FATAL, 2= Mistake, 3= Alarm, four=INFO, v=DEBUG,6= TRACE
  • Install with not default install or information location

[root$] ./ahf_setup [-ahf_loc install_dir] [-data_dir data_dir]
  • Install orachk/exachk without TFA

[root$]          ahf_setup          -extract orachk/exachk   #OR          ahf_setup          -excerpt-notfasetup.        
  • Y'all can check the condition of AHF after upgrade\installation using the below command

[root@nodedb1 ~]#          tfactl          status .---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Host   | Status of TFA | PID   | Port | Version   | Build ID             | Inventory Status | +--------+---------------+-------+------+-----------+----------------------+------------------+ | Nodedb1| RUNNING       | 96324 | 5000 || 20110020200220143104 | COMPLETE         | | Nodedb0| RUNNING       | 66513 | 5000 | twenty.1.i.0.0| 20110020200220143104 | Complete         |
  • For advanced installation options, see User Guide.

  • You can manually uninstall AHF in case information technology got abuse   :

                  # rpm -e oracle-ahf  # tfactl uninstall            

Configuration Checks

In this department, we volition beginning acquire how to query the current setting of AHF.
If you wish to synchronize your RAC nodes when a new node is added run the below :

          #          tfactl          syncnodes        
  • Tfactl print Commands

#          tfactl                    print    options [status|components|config|directories|hosts|actions|repository|suspendedips|protocols|smtp]

> example: Quick list scan listener logs directories when troubleshooting listener issues

#          tfactl          print directories -node node1 -comp tns -policy noexclusions
  • Listing AHF parameters

#          tfactl          print config -- you lot tin also set or display a unmarried parameter as shown below #          tfactl          print version #          tfactl          print hosts         Host Name : racnode1                    Host Proper noun : racnode2    #          tfactl          become autodiagcollect        #          tfactl          gear up autodiagcollect=ON        
  • List repositories

[root@nodedb1]#          tfactl          print repository    -- Shows the AHF data repositories . [root@nodedb1]#          tfactl          showrepo -all       -- Aforementioned just with options(-TFA or -Compliance)   .-----------------------------------------------------------------.   |                             Myhost                              |   +----------------------+------------------------------------------+   | Repository Parameter | Value                                    | ====> -TFA   +----------------------+------------------------------------------+   | Location             | /u01/app/grid/oracle.ahf/information/repository |   | Maximum Size (MB)    | 10240                                    |   | Current Size (MB)    | 3                                        |   | Gratis Size (MB)       | 10237                                    |   | Status               | OPEN                                     |   '----------------------+------------------------------------------'  orachk repository: /u01/app/filigree/oracle.ahf/data/nodedb1/orachk   ====> -complaince(Orachk)  - can also be checked here:   [root@nodedb1]# cat /opt/oracle/dcs/oracle.ahf/tfa/        

Notation: If the maximum size is exceeded or the file system free space gets to <=one GB, so AHF suspends operations and closes the repository.
Use the tfactl purge command to clear collections from the repository.

[root@server]          tfactl          purge -older n[h|d] [-force] [root@server]          tfactl          purge -older 30d [root@server]          tfactl          purge -older 10h   -- Alter retention  [root@server]          tfactl          set minagetopurge=48        -- default is 2 weeks
  • Directories

       Y'all tin encounter it during the installation or from the config file

.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. |                       Summary of AHF Configuration                                            | +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+------------------------+ | Parameter       | Value                                              |       Content          | +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+------------------------' | AHF Location    | /opt/oracle/dcs/oracle.ahf                         | installation diretory  | | TFA Location    | /opt/oracle/dcs/oracle.ahf/tfa                     |                        | | Orachk Location | /opt/oracle/dcs/oracle.ahf/orachk                  |                        | | Data Directory  | /opt/oracle/tfa/tfa_home/oracle.ahf/information           |Logs from all components| | Repository      | /opt/oracle/tfa/tfa_home/oracle.ahf/data/repository|Diagnostic collections  | | Diag Directory  | /opt/oracle/tfa/tfa_home/oracle.ahf/data/host/diag |Logs from all components| | Analyzer Dir    | /opt/oracle/dcs/oracle.ahf/tfa/analyzer            |                        | '-----------------+----------------------------------------------------'------------------------'


To view the condition of Oracle TFA Support Tools (across nodes if RAC) hit the below command.

[oracle@server]          tfactl          toolstatus  .-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+. |                  TOOLS Condition - HOST : - My Host                                                                                                      |  +---------------------+--------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|  | Tool Blazon           | Tool         | Description                                                                                                      |  +---------------------+--------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|  | Development Tools   | orachk       | Oracle AHF installs either Oracle EXAchk for engineered systems or Oracle ORAchk for all non-engineered systems. |  |                     | oratop       | Provides near real-time database monitoring                                                                      |  +---------------------+--------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|  |Support Tools Bundle | darda        | Diagnostic Assistant:Provides admission to  RDA, ADR, OCM                                                           |  |                     oswatcher(oswbb| Collects/archives OS metrics. metrics are useful for instance/node evictions and functioning Issues.             |  |                     | prw          | procwatcher (prw) Automates and captures database performance diagnostics and session level hang information     |  +-------------------- +--------------+--------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|  | TFA Utilities       | alertsummary |Provides summary of events for one (-database x) or more or Oracle ASM alert files from all nodes.                |  |                     | calog        |Prints Oracle Clusterware activeness logs.                                                                          |  |                     | dbcheck      |                                                                                                                  |  |                     | dbglevel     |Sets Oracle Clusterware log / trace levels using profiles.                                                        |  |                     | grep         |grep for input string in logs                                                                                     |  |                     | history      | Lists commands run in current Oracle Trace File Analyzer beat out session.                                          |  |                     | ls           | Searches files in Oracle Trace File Analyzer                                                                     |  |                     | managelogs   | Purge slogs                                                                                                      |  |                     | menu         | Oracle Trace File Analyzer Collector card arrangement.                                                                |  |                     | param        | Prints parameter value.                                                                                          |  |                     | ps           | Finds a process.                                                                                                 |  |                     | pstack       | Runs pstack on a process                                                                                         |  |                     | summary      | Prints system summary.                                                                                           |  |                     | tail         | Tails log files.                                                                                                 |  |                     | triage       | Summarize OSWatcher / ExaWatcher data. / [run] triage -t <datetime> -d <duration> [-a] [-p <pid>] [-h]  |  |                     | 6           | Searches and opens files in the vi editor.                                                                       |  '---------------------+--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+        

AHF(TFA) Main Menu

The Oracle TFA Menu provides an Interface to the TFA tools.

          #          tfactl          menu  1. System Analysis        Select i of the post-obit categories:               1. Summary          two. Events          three. Analyze logs          4. TFA Utilities          5. Support Tool Bundle          six. Tools status                2. Collections       Select one of the following options:               1. Default Drove         2. SRDC Collection         3. Engineered Arrangement Drove         4. Avant-garde Collection        iii.Administration     Select One of the post-obit options:             1. Version & status       2. First, stop & auto offset       3. Hosts & ports       iv. Settings       5. Actions submitted       six. Manage Database logs       7. Tracing Level       8. Users       9. Collect TFA Diagnostic Data



Autostart for either ORAchk/Exachk will perform compliance tasks as described below:

  • 1 am daily: Orachk/Exachk daemon restarts every day to discover any environment changes.

  • 2 am daily: Partial orachk run > The track most severe problems once a day ( oratier1/exatier1)

  • 3 am Lord's day: Total Exa/Orachk > All known problems one time a calendar week.

  • Send an email to the notification address for each run with the health scores, cheque failures and changes since the concluding run.

  • The daemon besides automatically purges the repository every two weeks.

Check Orachk Daemon

--- Displays data almost the running daemon.
$          orachk          -d info                                        --- Checks if the daemon is running. OR ()$ tfactl compliance -d status ) $          orachk          -d status        
--- check orachk daemon status  $          tfactl          statusahf -compliance        orachk scheduler is running [PID: 99003] [Version: 20.1.0(BETA)] ---  Offset/Stop the daemon        
$          orachk          -d starting time/end  $          tfactl          stopahf/startahf -compliance        
--- Displays the next automatic run fourth dimension.   $          orachk          -d nextautorun
$          orachk          –d ID autostart_client nextautorun        
-- specific profile id:(autostart_client/os/etc)        

Getting Options for the Daemon

  • Orachk Profiles :
    Each compliance Task has a dedicated contour
    1- autostart_discovery : Get-go fourth dimension a demon started
    2- daemon_autostart : daily restart at 1am
    iii- autostart_client_oratier1 : partial run 2am
    four- autostart_client : Total run on Sunday 3am
[root@nodedb1 ~]#          orachk          -get  NOTIFICATION_EMAIL,AUTORUN_SCHEDULE,COLLECTION_RETENTION ------------------------------------------------------------ ID: orachk.autostart_discovery ------------------------------------------------------------ ID: orachk.daemon_autostart ------------------------------------------------------------ NOTIFICATION_EMAIL  =    AUTORUN_SCHEDULE  =  0 one * * * ------------------------------------------------------------ ID: orachk.autostart_client_oratier1 ------------------------------------------------------------ NOTIFICATION_EMAIL  = AUTORUN_SCHEDULE  =  0 ii * * * COLLECTION_RETENTION  =  vii ------------------------------------------------------------ ID: orachk.autostart_client ------------------------------------------------------------ NOTIFICATION_EMAIL  = AUTORUN_SCHEDULE  =  0 3 * * 0 COLLECTION_RETENTION  =  14 ------------------------------------------------------------

You can also query the parameter per profile:

$          orachk          –id autostart_client -get all   --- Query daemon options for weekly profile        

Setting Orachk Options

  • Set autostart option (enabled past default after installation)

$          orachk          –autostart orachk daemon is started with PID : 99003  Daemon log file location        
          is : /opt/oracle/tfa/tfa_home/oracle.ahf/information/nodedb1/orachk/orachk_daemon.log    OR
$          tfactl          startahf -compliance
  • Notification for Orachk/Exachk

===================================== For both daily and weekly chore contour  ====================================== $          orachk          -id autostart_client_oratier1 -set $          orachk          -id autostart_client  -set
  • Schedule and Retention

$ orachk -id autostart_client_oratier1 –fix "AUTORUN_SCHEDULE=0 3 * * *"  -> Time= 3 AM daily $ orachk -id autostart_client  –set "collection_retention=vii"
  • TEST the Notification

--- Sends a test email to validate electronic mail configuration.  $          orachk          -testemail --- Send an orachek written report by email to a test address $          orachk          –sendemail ""        
  • Run Orachk

$          orachk          -h    -nopass           --- Does not show passed checks.   -show_critical    --- Evidence Critical checks in the orachk study past default    -localonly        --- merely on the local node.     -dbnames db_names --- Specify a list of DB names to run only on a subset of DBs.   -dbnone           --- skips dbs   -dball            --- all Dbs   -b                --- Runs only the best do recommended patch checks.   -p                --- Runs just the patch checks.   -m                --- Excludes Maximum Availability Compages (MAA) checks.   -diff             --- compare 2 orachk reports   -clusternodes  dbadm01,dbadm02,dbadm03,dbadm04   -nordbms          --- Runs in Filigree environments with no Oracle Database.   -cvuonly          --- Runs only Cluster Verification Utility (oposite= -nocvu)   -failedchecks  <previous_run.html> ---Runs only checks from the presious_result,that failed        
          -profile profile/-excludeprofile peoplesoft,seibel,storage,dba,asm,control_VM,                                    preinstall,prepatch,hardware,goldengate,oratier1,                                    virtual_infra,obiee,ebs,control_VM,..            -showrepair  <check_id>     --- Evidence repair command for given bank check id..       -repair all| <check_id>,[<check_id>,..] | <file> -- Repair check(s).     -nordbms          --- Runs in Filigree environments with no Oracle Database.   -cvuonly          --- Runs but Cluster Verification Utility   -showrepair <check_id> --- Show repair command for given check id.   -pre/postupgrade      --- run pre/mail-upgrade best exercise checks for 11.2.0.iv databases        
          and above       Exadata :   -ibswitches switches              -cells cells


  • Trace File Analyzer will monitor for meaning problems and If whatsoever is detected information technology will automatically:

    1. Have a diagnostic drove of everything needed to diagnose & resolve (cluster-wide where necessary)

    2. Collocate distributed collections and Clarify collections for known problems

    3. Transport an email notification, containing details of the issues detected, recommended solution were known and location of the diagnostic collection(s)

  • Notification for TFA and Orachk/Exachk(Doesn't always work)

$          tfactl          fix ahfnotificationaddress=some  $          tfactl          go ahfnotificationaddress AHF Notification Address : some
  • Notification for TFA only

        Automatically diagcollect upon detected fault and send the result to the registered email address

$          tfactl          set notificationaddress=some   --- for any ORACLE_HOME: $                      tfactl          set notificationAddress=os_user:email     --- for the bone owner of a specific home        
  • Smtp configuration

#          tfactl          set smtp.         .---------------------------.    | SMTP Server Configuration |    +---------------+-----------+    | Parameter     | Value     |    +---------------+-----------+    | smtp.auth     | faux     |Set the Authentication flag to true or false.    | smtp.user     | -         |    | smtp.from     | tfa       |Specify the from postal service ID.    |       | -         |Specify the comma-delimited listing of CC mail service IDs    | smtp.port     |        25 |    | smtp.bcc      | -         |Specify the comma-delimited listing of BCC mail IDs.    | smtp.password | *******   |    |     | localhost |    | smtp.debug    | truthful      |Set the Debug flag to true or simulated     |       | -         |Specify the comma-delimited list of recipient mail IDs    | smtp.ssl      | false     |Set the SSL flag to truthful or simulated.    '---------------+-----------'    i.e : chose smtp.from to specify the sender email ID run : tfactl print smtp to view the current setting.        


  • Diagnostic Repository

i- Check Automatic Diagnostic repository space usage (all homes are checked if -the database is omitted)

$          tfactl          managelogs -evidence usage -database Mydb     ---per database $          tfactl          managelogs -testify usage -gi    -- Grid logs --- Capacity management view  $          tfactl          managelogs -show variation -older 7d -database mydb        

2- Purge ADR directories for a database if the FS is filled

$          tfactl          managelogs -purge -older 1d(day)/h(hour)/m(infinitesimal) -database mydb --- Alter the retention permanently  $          tfactl          set manageLogsAutoPurgePolicyAge=20d      --- default is 30 days        
  • USING Back up TOOLS

      Analyze lists events summary and search strings in alert logs. Parsing the database, ASM, Grid warning logs, system message logs,
OSWatcher Top, and OSWatcher Slabinfo files.

$          tfactl          analyze -comp db -database pimsprd -type error -last *[h/d]           –o analyze_output_pimpsrd.log options : [-comp <db|asm|crs|acfs|os|osw|oswslabinfo|oratop|all>]            [-search "pattern"]            [-node all| local| n1,n2,.., -from| -to| -for "MMM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS" --- Searches alarm and system log files from the by two days for messages      that contain the case-insensitive cord "fault". $          tfactl          analyze -search "error" -last second                 --- all system log messages for July 1, 2016 at 11 am.
$          tfactl          analyze -comp bone -for "Jul/01/2016 xi" -search "."        
--- database alert logs for the case-sensitive string "ORA-" from the past two days.  $ tfactl clarify -search "/ORA-/c" -comp db -last 2d            --- Summary of events nerveless from all alert logs and arrangement messages       from the past five hours. (-type generic for all generic message)        
$          tfactl          analyze -final 5h    --- Bone summary of events from system letters from the past day.
$          tfactl          analyze -comp os -last 1d
--- Top summary for the past six hours.                              $          tfactl          analyze -comp osw -last 6h        

Summary overview, Warning log, Events and changes checks

---- view the summary  $          tfactl          summary  [defaul= Consummate Summary Collection]  options :-crs,asm,acfs,database,exadata,patch,listener,network,os,tfa,          summary,-node <node(southward)>   --- summary of important events in DB/ASM logs.  $          tfactl          alertsummary -database Mydb    --- view the events detected by TFA.has more options(–component asm|crs –database <db>)
$          tfactl          events -database oidprd  -last 1d --- Lists all changes in the organization     $          tfactl          changes -last 1d |-from x -to y | -for t]   $          tfactl          grep "Starting oracle instance" alert $          tfactl          grep "ORA-" alarm $          tfactl          tail  -200 listener.log $          tfactl          tail -1000 listener_scan2.log | grep error $          tfactl          grep ORA- listener_scan1.log
  • Miscellaneous

$          tfactl          oratop -database mydb  $          tfactl          prw commencement/stop   -- Procwatcher session                           -- explore the stack of a process $          tfactl          pstack PID   --- Cease a running Oracle Trace File Analyzer collection.             $          tfactl          collection  stop <collectionid>   --- Add/remove directory to/from the list of directories to analyze their trace or log files. $          tfactl          directory add|remove|change        
--- Collect Automated Diagnostic Repository diagnostic information.    $          tfactl          ips show trouble/incident   --- Enable machine diagnostic collection        
$          tfactl          set up autodiagcollect=ON            --- To configure Oracle Cluster Health Counselor automobile collection for Aberrant events: $          tfactl          set chaautocollect=ON --- To enable Oracle Cluster Health Advisor notification through TFA: $          tfactl          set up chanotification=on --- To configure an email address for Cluster Health Advisor notifications  : $          tfactl          set --- Set Oracle Grid Infrastructure trace levels. (-active  database_resource_failure) $          tfactl          dbglevel        

IPS (Incident Packaging Services) functions

Photos credit : @markusdba

  • Blackout ERROR

--- target blazon listene/asm/database/service/os/asmdg/crs/all   $          tfactl          blackout add -targettype database -target -db  Mydb -result "ORA_0431"        

— Default  timeout 24h values tin be h(hour)/d(day)

          $          tfactl          coma add -targettype all -target all -event all -timeout 1h -reason "Patching"
--- Show all backed out items   $          tfactl          coma impress        
--- To remove the blackout after patching        
$          tfactl          blackout remove -targettype all -target all -issue all        
  • Information Redaction through masking and sanitizing before uploading in a SR

#          orachk          -profile asm -sanitize #          orachk          -sanitize file_name #          tfactl          diagcollect -srdc ORA-00600 -mask  (inner Information) #          tfactl          diagcollect -srdc ORA-00600 -sanitize (Hardware surround) --- Reduce the size of the collections #          tfactl          set MaxFileCollectsize 500MB

Collect logs from across nodes in a cluster

          Usage :          tfactl          diagcollect [ [component_name1] [component_name2] ... [component_nameN] |        
[-srdc <srdc_profile>] | [-defips]]  [-node <all|lom <time> -to <time> | -for <time>]        
[-nocopy] [-notrim] [-silent] [-nocores][-collectalldirs][-collectdir <dir1,dir2..>][-sanitize|-mask][-examples]          components :          -ips|-oda|-odalite|-dcs|-odabackup|-odapatching|-odadataguard|-odaprovisioning|
-odaconfig|-odasystem|-odastorage|-database|-asm|-crsclient|-dbclient|-dbms| -ocm|-emplugins|-em|
-acfs|-install|-cfgtools|-bone|-ashhtml|-ashtext|-awrhtml|-awrtext|-qos     -srdc           Service Request Information Collection (SRDC).     -defips         Include in the default collection the IPS Packages for:                     ASM, CRS and Databases     -node           Specify comma separated list of host names for collection     -tag <tagname>  The files volition be nerveless into tagname directory inside                    repository     -z <zipname>    The collection zip file volition be given this name within the                     TFA drove repository     -last  <northward><m|h|d> Files from last 'n' [m]inutes, 'due north' [d]ays or 'n' [h]ours     -since Same every bit -last. Kept for astern compatibility.     -from           "Mon/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss"    From <time>                     or "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"                     or "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss"                     or "yyyy-mm-dd"     -to             "Mon/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss"    To <time>                     or "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"                     or "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss"                     or "yyyy-mm-dd"     -for            "Mon/dd/yyyy"             For <date>.                     or "yyyy-mm-dd"     -nocopy         Does not copy dorsum the zip files to initiating node from all nodes     -notrim         Does not trim the files nerveless     -silent         This option is used to submit the diagcollection as a background                     process     -nocores        Do not collect Cadre files when it would unremarkably accept been                     nerveless     -collectalldirs Collect all files from a directory marked "Collect All"                     flag to truthful     -collectdir     Specify comma separated list of directories and drove will                     include all files from these irrespective of blazon and fourth dimension constraints                     in improver to components specified     -sanitize       Sanitize sensitive values in the collection using ACR                          -mask           Mask sensitive values in the collection using ACR                              -examples       Show diagcollect usage examples


Photos credit : @markusdba


--- Trim/Zip all files updated in the terminal 12 hours along with chmos/osw data across the cluster & collect at the initiating node (on-demand diagcollection)  simplest manner to capture diagnostics  $          tfactl          diagcollect             --- Collecting ASH data for all nodes $          tfactl          diagcollect -ashhtml -database MYDB -concluding 2m        
--- Collecting AWR data for all nodes     $          tfactl          diagcollect -awrhtml -database MYDB -last 2m        
--- Trim and Zip all files updated in the last 8 hours likewise as chmos/osw data  from beyond the cluster        
$          tfactl          diagcollect -last 8h        
--- Trim/Cipher files from DBs hrdb & fdb        
$          tfactl          diagcollect -database hrdb,fdb -last 1d -z foo        
--- Trim/Nothing all crs files, o/s logs and chmos/osw data from node1 & node2  updated in the last 6 hours    $          tfactl          diagcollect -crs -os -node node1,node2 -last 6h        
--- Trim and Aught all ASM logs from node1 updated between from and to time   $          tfactl          diagcollect -asm -node node1 -from "Mar/29/2020" -to "Mar/29/2020 21:00:00"    --- Trim and Zip all log files updated on "Mar/29/2020" and collect at the      collect at the initiating node $          tfactl          diagcollect -for "Mar/29/2020"   --- Trim / Naught all log files updated from 09:00 on "Mar/29/2020" to 09:00 on "Mar/30/2020"   (i.e. 12 hours before and afterwards the time given)  $ tfactl diagcollect -for "Mar/29/2020 21:00:00"              --- Trim / Nada all crs files updated in the last 12 hours.Also collect all files from /tmp_dir1 and /tmp_dir2 at the initiating node  $          tfactl          diagcollect -crs -collectdir /tmp_dir1,/tmp_dir2        

For sure types of problems, Oracle Support will enquire you lot to run a Service Asking Information Collection (SRDC) instead of reading and gathering unlike data beyond your system. At the end of the drove, the file is automatically uploaded to the SR.

– Syntax :
$tfactl diagcollect -srdc "srdc_type" -sr SR#

  • Description of some srdc

Photos credit: @markusdba

Upload diagnostic information to My Oracle Support

Configuration  ==================== $          tfactl          setupmos    User Id:    Password:   - CERTIMPORT - Successfully imported certificate --will generate generate a wallet == Run diagcollect for a service request====== $ tfactl diagcollect -srdc ORA-00600 -sr ii-39797576867  -sanitize -mask ==  upload the nerveless information to MOS $ tfactl upload -sr ii-39797576867 -wallet <list_of_files>  $ tfactl upload -sr 2-39797576867  -user <list_of_files>        

Annotation: A full listing of SRDC profiles can be checked hither.


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